
Dental Checkup

We are a full service dental office in Sedgewick.

Your mouth is the doorway to your body and its total health. That’s why healthy teeth and gums are an essential part of your overall health and well being. Recent studies show that gum disease has been linked to:

  • Heart disease and stroke
  • Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Premature, low birth weight babies
  • Our Emphasis is on Preventive Dentistry.

Regular dental visits, including cleanings and assessments by our hygienist are essential in the prevention of gum and periodontal disease; as well as maintaining overall wellness.

Gum disease begins with the formation of soft (plaque) and hard (calculus (tartar)) bacterial deposits on the surface of the teeth. Without proper oral care, this bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums. This is known as Gingivitis. The bacteria may then penetrate the gum line and eventually spread into the underlying bone, resulting in Periodontitis. It is estimated 75% of the population has gingivitis. Blood on the toothbrush or dental floss is one of the earliest and most common signs of gingivitis. When detected early gingivitis is reversible and preventable with proper oral care, including brushing and flossing. However, without proper care gingivitis may progress to periodontitisPeriodontitis can progress slowly and is often not painful. You may not even be aware of it until it has progressed to the advanced stage and you are in danger of loosing teeth. Your dentist and dental hygienist can best detect the early stages of gum disease, when it is the easiest to treat.

We will personalize a program based on your needs. Regular checkups are also important in the early detection of other dental problems, including dental decay, oral cancers, TMJ and muscle related conditions.


Everyday dental hygiene is an essential component of preventative dentistry. Flossing and brushing twice daily is crucial to guarding against tooth decay and gum disease. Without these habits, plaque and tartar quickly begin to build. Brushing and flossing does not catch everything, which is why dentists suggest checkups (that include full dental cleaning) every six months. Since oral health varies significantly from one person to the next, the biannual suggestion should be considered a general guide only.


Diet is extremely important for maintaining proper oral health and is often overlooked as a form of preventative dentistry. If you consume sugary food and drinks regularly, a more frequent brushing and flossing schedule is advised.


A mineral that plays an important role in strengthening teeth and preventing decay, fluoride has been proven to have a beneficial effect on preventative oral health, which is why dentists and hygienists often provide treatments during dental visits. Dentists are also likely to recommend toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain fluoride.


Regular exams are important for more than just checking on the health of your teeth. A complete exam also includes an oral cancer screening, for added peace of mind. Naturally, the more regular the exam (like every six months instead of every year) the better your dentist will be able to monitor fluctuations and changes in your overall dental health. This is very important for detecting early warning signs of maladies like gum disease or gingivitis.


In addition to manual examinations, dental x-rays are vital to complete preventative dentistry. X-rays can detect cavities, some tumors, bone infections, and other diseases that are difficult or impossible to spot with the naked eye. Today, some dentists are also offering digital x-rays, which reduce the exposure to radiation in an environmentally friendly way that also has the advantage of producing instant images.


Dentists are also able to provide you with mouth guards and other devices like custom-designed splints that help to prevent problems associated with uneven bites or teeth grinding. Treating these symptoms early has been shown to reduce extreme wear that leads to tooth loss and gum recession. They can also help to treat or alleviate facial muscle pain symptoms related to temporomandibular joint disorders.


Preventative dentistry can also include endodontic treatment like root canal procedures, which can reduce or eradicate future problems created by inflamed or infected tissue around a tooth. In this case, prevention focuses on saving teeth while eliminating pain.

Our Services


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Teeth Whitening for Life !!!

We offer Teeth Whitening for Life !!!

Our patients enjoy Teeth Whitening for Life !!!  Call our office for details.
Photographs are for informational purposes only because individual treatment results will vary from patient to patient. Some patients may not be candidates for this treatment. 

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